Days for Girls International is a humanitarian charity founded by Celeste Mergens to break the cycle of poverty through providing women and girls washable and sustainable feminine hygiene packs called Days for Girls Kits. There are 500 million people in the world who do not have what they need to manage their periods.

For more information go to the link

See: Sewing and packing dates 2022

group of women carrying DFG kit

Every year thousands of volunteers work in teams to sew components for kits. Currently there are approximately 180 teams in Australia. Since the inception of Days for Girls over 2.5 million kits have been distributed world wide.

 Click here to visit Celeste Mergens TED Talk

The Days for Girls (DFG) Pad is a colourful washable, reusable menstrual health product that is hand crafted by Day for Girls teams around the world. This patented design, includes a protective shield and absorbent liner, is backed by the latest menstrual health research and a decade of feedback from women around the world. It is a truly sustainable solution that girls and women can count on month after month, for up to three years.

Health challenges including urinary and genital infections and unmanaged menstrual pain occur when menstruators do not have access to menstrual health education and supplies. Stigmatization and shame that excludes them from everyday family and community activities occurs in countries around the world. This can lead to isolation, depression, abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation and even suicide. Challenges at school and in the workplace including absenteeism, wage loss, and difficulty focusing or performing as usual occur when women and girls cannot access cost-effective and safe menstrual health solutions.

Currently in the ACT there are two Days for Girls teams

Tuggeranong ACT - which meets at the Pearce Community Centre

Carol Mead - Team Leader

Canberra City ACT – which meets at Mosaic in Evatt

Philippa Leaske - Team Leader

Meetings every 2nd Saturday of the month 10 to 3pm