Sew for Change

Sew for Change is a program in which our wonderful volunteers get together to sew clothing and Days for Girls Kits. The DfG kits are packed every month at the Pearce Community Centre (Building 1).

Education is important

If we can keep a girl in school, it makes an enormous positive difference for her future, and break the poverty cycle. She will

  • Build a career for herself
  • Have better health outcomes
  • Marry later & have less children
  • Stay in her own community
  • Educate her own children
  • Increase the gross national product

Join our Sewing Circle to find out how you can be involved.

Our volunteers also sew and knit at home too, providing thousands of articles of clothing for children in need globally.

We would love you to join us. Check out our facebook group.

Our wonderful volunteers sew in their homes, together at houses or at our sewing days.The history is a little convoluted but essentially we started with an affiliation with Dress a Girl Around the World in 2015, for which we sewed dresses. After a while it seemed that we were sending more clothing through our own channels and so we decided to go it alone and drafted our own patterns.

 After chatting with Lubna in Pakistan, we decided to register as a Days for Girls Team and the rest, as they say, is history! We did it back to front, and we do send our kits to three countries where we have trained Ambassadors for Women's Health - Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. We have been slowly migrating to Sew for Change (from Sew for a Girls Canberra) which better suits what we do now - as we sew for both boys and girls, and we also make Days for Girls Kits.

We sew together at our packing and sewing days once a month, situated in central Canberra in the suburb of Pearce, and new volunteers are always welcome. If you can not or don't want to sew we have lots for everyone to do and your hands will be busy- so come and make some new friends while making difference to girls and boys around the world.